The Clock

The Clock

A devised one woman show by Gloria Sanders, directed by Tal Jakubowiczova.

Music by Wim Mertenz and Hutch Demouilpied

If you touch the clock you’ll get dragged inside by Hannah.

Her arms grew so long and strong. She wants to get out but she can’t. So instead, she waits for little girls like you to get too close and then she grabs, and you’ll never grow up. You’ll get stuck in there with her forever and you’ll never ever get out. On her deathbed, Grandma decides she needs to see her big grandfather clock one last time. The clock is in the attic and is covered with dust and mystery. Can her granddaughter find out what is the real story behind the clock?


A dark modern fairy tale about shadows, fear and secrets. With shadow puppets, silhouettes, a single performer and one big secret.


‘Gloria Sanders delivers this story with energy that feeds the entire audience’. 

StageWon, Pleasance Theatre, 2012.


‘The characters are made distinct through a combination of Sanders’ clever mannerisms and changes in voice as well as through an inventive staging’. 

One Stop Arts, Pleasance Theatre, 2012.


The Clock has shown in Belgium (Artscene festival in Gent), Pleasance (London) and the Marlborough Theatre (Brighton Fringe Festival)